The Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre (CISE), established in 2015, at the University of Beira Interior, is focused on the study of electromechatronic systems, integrating into a single domain the following four main engineering areas: electrical, mechanical, electronics, and industrial engineering.
CISE comprises four dedicated research facilities, the Laboratory of Electromechatronic Systems (CISE | LSE) at the University of Beira Interior, the Laboratory of Electric Energy Systems (CISE | LSEE) at the University of Algarve, the Laboratory of Electromechatronic Systems Modelling (CISE | LESM) at the University Mohamed Khider in Biskra, Algeria, and the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES) at the Polytechnic of Guarda. CISE | LSE is equipped for simulation studies and experimental tests in some of the research areas of the electromechatronic systems domain. At CISE | LSEE the research work is focused on fault detection and diagnostics of transmission and distribution network components and power systems protection devices. CISE | LESM facilities provide the tools required to the development of research activities aiming the theoretical and computational modelling of electromechatronic systems. The research activities are complemented by CISE | GIRS-RES, which is especially dedicated to the renewable energies study. This facility provides, among others, the appropriate conditions for the installation of bulky equipment, both indoor and outdoor.