Doctoral Research Scholarship Opportunity at CISE - Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre, in the framework of Project SmartEcoLighting: Promoting the protection and preservation of biodiversity by reducing light pollution (PD24-00015), supported by the Promove Programme of the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation, in collaboration with BPI and the Foundation for Science and Technology. The deadline for application is 21 February 2025. For further details regarding the grant opportunity, please click here to check the public notice published at EURAXESS Portal.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its creation, CISE is preparing a series of special events that will be organised throughout 2025. Stay tuned to CISE Website and CISE LinkedIn for news on the public events that will be taking place.
The 2024 issue of CISE Newsletter has been released. Enjoy your reading!
The paper “Geothermal Resource Potential for Thermal Comfort and Pool Heating in a Hotel”, by Pedro Barandier, Antonio J. M. Cardoso and Victor Cavaleiro, presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART 2024), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, received, on 24 November 2024, the Award of the Best Paper on Renewables for Sustainable Buildings.
In the framework of Project Re-UNITA - Research for UNITA, the team of CISE PhD students composed of Hugo Antunes, João Dinis, Pedro Andrade and Pedro Barandier, won the UNITA PhD International Talent Challenge 2023/2024, in the category of “Renewable Energies”.
The winning project on “Zero net energy residential green buildings ” aims to design a residential system featuring energy independence (thermal and electrical), combining the adoption of advanced renewable energy sources and community gardens. Enjoy the video of the project!

The publication Online Monitoring of Sensor Calibration Status to Support Condition-Based Maintenance, by Alexandre Martins, Inácio Fonseca, José Torres Farinha, João Reis and Antonio J. M. Cardoso, in MDPI journal Sensors, Vol. 23, Issue 5, Paper 2402, March, 2023, was selected, in September 2024, as an "Editor's Choice Article".
On the 7th of June 2024 Dr. Agostinho da Silva, CISE Researcher, was distinguished, by the Oeiras Municipal Council, with the Municipal Medal of Merit - Gold Grade. The medal and certificate were presented by the Mayor of Oeiras, Isaltino Morais and the President of the Municipal Assembly, Elisabete Oliveira.
Doctoral Research Scholarship Opportunity Opening at CISE - Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre. The call for application was open between 31 May and 30 June 2024. For further details regarding the scholarship opportunity, please click here to check the public notice published at EURAXESS - the pan-European Researcher’s Mobility Portal.
CISE vision has been updated and reflects the centre scientific strategic plan and its commitment towards excellence and societal needs.
On 30 April 2024, a class from the Higher Professional Technical Course in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, from Sabugal, visited CISE | GIRS-RES. The students were introduced to particularly relevant activities, within the scope of their studies, under development at CISE | GIRS-RES.
CISE participated in the First Conference “Sustainable Guarda”, organised by the Municipality of Guarda, and dedicated to “Renewable Energies: A Challenge for Environmental Sustainability”, on 11 April 2024. CISE PhD holder researcher Carlos Figueiredo Ramos addressed the topic of “Renewable Energies in Climate Change”.
CISE participated in the organization of the seminar “Water, the Engine of the Green Economy: the Trilogy - Water, Energy and Agriculture”, that took place on 5 April 2024, in the Municipal Auditorium of Sabugal.

The publication Online Interturn Short-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Induction Motors Operating Under Unbalanced Supply Voltage and Load Variations, Using the STLSP Technique, by Abdeldjalil Alloui, Khaled Laadjal, Mohamed Sahraoui and Antonio J. M. Cardoso, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 70, Nº 3, pp. 3080-3089, March, 2023, has been listed by Clarivate Web of Science, as of July / August 2023, as Highly Cited Paper for receiving enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Engineering based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year [Data from Essential Science Indicators].
Deadline for abstract submission: 19 February 2024.
On 27 October 2023, 3 classes from Mechatronics and Electronics from the Felismina Alcântara Secondary School of Mangualde visited CISE | GIRS-RES. The students were presented a brief introduction to the research activities currently being developed there.
The paper “A Novel Stator Faults Indicator in Three-Phase Induction Motors, Based on Voltage and Impedance Symmetrical Components”, by Khaled Laadjal, Antonio J. Marques Cardoso, Mohamed Sahraoui and Abdeldjalil Alloui, presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) received the First Prize Paper Award of the Electrical Machines Technical Committee (EMTC) of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES). The award certificate was given to the authors during the EMTC Annual Meeting organized during IECON 2023 Conference, in Singapore, on 18 October 2023.
CISE participated, as institutional partner and exhibitor, in the sixth edition of ENERTECH SABUGAL – Technology for Energy Fair, that took place in Sabugal, Portugal, from the 12th to the 14th of October 2023.
On 11 July 2023, in the scope of a Team Building activity, a group of CISE researchers carried out a technical visit to the Serra da Estrela Natural Electricity Museum, facilities of Senhora do Desterro Power Station, the oldest hydroelectric power station in Portugal. After the morning activity, the group enjoyed an afternoon of relaxation and recreative activities by the river.
On 25 May 2023, two professors from the University of Zielona Gorá, Poland, visited the indoor and outdoor facilities of the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES).
On 28 April 2023, a group of CISE researchers carried out the “Caminho do Xisto de Álvaro” (Álvaro Schist Trail). The 6,3 km walking trail was followed by a lunch at “Adega dos Apalaches”, to enjoy the “Cabrito Estonado” (roasted lamb), speciality of Oleiros, and an afternoon of relaxation and recreative activities.
Fernando José Figueiredo Bento, CISE PhD Researcher, received the Machines 2022 Young Investigator Award. Our warmest congratulations on your successful achievement!
On 04 April 2023, a class of Wind Energy from the IEFP - Institute for Employment and Vocational Training, Guarda, visited the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES). The event counted with the participation of a group of students, who were presented with a brief introduction to the work and the different research activities on renewable energies currently being developed at CISE facilities.
On 21 March 2023, two classes from the Secondary School of Fundão, visited the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES). The event counted with the participation of 20 students, who were presented with a brief introduction to the work and the different research activities on renewable energies currently being developed at CISE facilities.
On 08 March 2023, the indoor and outdoor facilities of CISE | GIRS-RES were visited by a class of the Professional Course in Industrial Maintenance from the Campos Melo Secondary School, Covilhã. The event counted with the participation of 22 students who were presented a brief introduction to the work and the different research activities currently being developed there and in the various CISE facilities.

The publication Stator Faults Detection in Asymmetrical Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives with Single and Dual Isolated Neutral Point, Adopting a Model Predictive Controller, by Khaled Laadjal, João Serra and Antonio J. M. Cardoso, in MDPI journal Machines, Vol. 11, Issue 2, Paper 132, February, 2023, was selected as an "Editor's Choice Article".
On 02 February 2023, Prof. Dr. Fatih Çaliskan (Head of the Graduate Education Institute), Prof. Dr. Zafer Tatli (Dean of the Faculty of Technology), Prof. Dr. Yusuf Çay (Academic at the Faculty of Technology) and Assoc. Dr. Halil Arslan (Erasmus Coordinator of the Faculty of Technology, from the Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey, visited the indoor and outdoor facilities of the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES).
PhD Researcher Carlos Figueiredo Ramos presented an online seminar on “Solar Technology: Photovoltaic-Thermal Collectors”, in the framework of the UNITA Weekly Talks. The presentation took place on 12 January 2023, at 12:00 CET..
On 24 November 2022, a class of Mechatronics from the Professional School of Gouveia, visited the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES). The event counted with the participation of 17 students, who were presented with a brief introduction to the work and the different research activities currently being developed there and in the various CISE facilities.
On 24 November 2022, Prof. Aynur Demir, from the Department of Urbanisation and Environmental Problems of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the Aksaray University, Turkey, visited the indoor and outdoor facilities of the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES).
In the framework of the IX edition of the “Electrical and Computer Engineering Days” of UBI, organised by ELECTRUBI (students association and representative body of the students enrolled in Electrical Engineering at UBI), a group of students visited CISE | LSE on 16 and 17 November 2022. The event included a visit to the Laboratory of Electromechatronic Systems and a brief presentation, by CISE PhD Student João Dinis.
On 10 October 2022, the indoor and outdoor facilities of CISE | GIRS-RES were visited by a group of students of Civil Engineering, from the Federal Institute of the North of Minas Gerais (IFNMG), Brazil. The students, accompanied by two professors and the Rector of IFNMG, were presented with a brief introduction to the ongoing work and research activities at CISE | GIRS-RES.
On 22 July 2022, a group of CISE researchers carried out the 8 km walking trail “À volta do Alva”, in the scope of a Team Building activity. After the morning activity, the group enjoyed an afternoon of relaxation and recreative activities next to river Alva.
CISE organised, on 07 July 2022, an Open Day at Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES), in the framework of Project "Ef&RelDC@HomO – Efficient and Reliable DC Electricity Distribution at Home and Offices". The event dedicated to the presentation of the project major outputs counted with the participation, as keynote speakers, of Dr. Nelson Lage, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADENE (National Energy Agency), and Eng. Sérgio Costa, Mayor of Guarda. Around 40 participants, representing institutions from academia, energy agencies, municipalities, and other entities, were present in the event.
Interviews (in Portuguese) by Rádio Altitude (local radio station from Guarda, Portugal) to Dr. Nelson Lage, Chairman of the Board of Diretors of ADENE (National Energy Agency) and Prof. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso, Principal Investigator of Project "Ef&RelDC@HomO – Efficient and Reliable DC Electricity Distribution at Home and Offices", during the project Open Day, on 07 July 2022. To listen to the interview, please click here (from 5:12).
On 13 April 2022, in the scope of a Team Building activity, a group of CISE researchers carried out a technical visit to the facilities of Beralt Tin and Wolfram, Panasqueira Mines, in Barroca Grande, Covilhã. The activity was complemented with a walking trail between Barroca do Zêzere and Cabeço do Pião.

The publication Three-Phase Induction Motors Online Protection against Unbalanced Supply Voltages, by Khaled Laadjal, Mohamed Sahraoui, Abdeldjalil Alloui and Antonio J. M. Cardoso, in MDPI journal Machines, Vol. 9, Issue 9, Paper 203, September, 2021, was selected as an "Editor's Choice Article".

The publication Fault Detection and Condition Monitoring of PMSGs in Offshore Wind Turbines, by Nuno Freire and Antonio J. M. Cardoso, in MDPI journal Machines, Vol. 9, Issue 11, Paper 260, November, 2021, was selected as an "Editor's Choice Article".

The publication Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient from Housing Surface of a Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Machine during Passive Cooling, by Payam Shams Ghahfarokhi, Antonio J. M. Cardoso et al., in MDPI journal Machines, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Paper 120, June, 2021, was selected as an "Editor's Choice Article".
On 23 and 30 of March 2022, two classes of Mechatronics from the Professional School of Trancoso, visited the Guarda International Research Station on Renewable Energies (CISE | GIRS-RES). The event counted with the participation of 20 students, who were presented with a brief introduction to the work and the different research activities currently being developed there and in the various CISE facilities.
CISE participated in the 2022 edition of the "National Meeting of Physics Students" at University of Beira Interior (UBI), organised by ENEF (physics students at University of Beira Interior and University of Coimbra), on 25 February 2022. The event counted with the participation of 14 students and included a visit to the Laboratory of Electromechatronic Systems (CISE|LSE) and a brief presentation by CISE PhD and MSc Students of their ongoing work and research activity.
In the framework of Project UNITA - Universitas Montium and Project Ef&RelDC@HomO, CISE participated in the organisation of the “UNITA Workshop on Renewable Energies” that took place on 27 and 28 October 2021.
Interview (in Portuguese) to Prof. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso, Principal Investigator of Project "Ef&RelDC@HomO – Efficient and Reliable DC Electricity Distribution at Home and Offices", funded by Compete2020, addressing the project and the importance of support from community funds. To read to the interview, please click here.
CISE has the pleasure to inform that the IEEE European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) has just published the public policy position statement entitled “E-mobility: Smart Charging”. CISE headed the preparation of this position statement, which provides European authorities with key recommendations to promote the switch to alternative fuels in line with the uptake of electric and zero-emission vehicles. To read this position statement, please click here.