Scientific Coordinator
Antonio J. Marques Cardoso received the Dipl. Eng., Dr. Eng., and Habilitation degrees from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1985, 1995 and 2008, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. From 1985 until 2011 he was with the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, where he was Director of the Electrical Machines Laboratory. Since 2011 he has been with the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal, where he is Full Professor at the Department of Electromechanical Engineering and Director of CISE - Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre ( He was Vice-Rector of UBI (2013-2014). His current research interests are in fault diagnosis and fault tolerance in electrical machines, power electronics and drives. He is the author of a book entitled Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase Induction Motors (Coimbra, Portugal: Coimbra Editora, 1991), (in Portuguese), editor of a book entitled Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (IET/SciTech, UK, 2018) and also author of more than 600 papers published in technical journals and conference proceedings. Prof. Marques Cardoso currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the MDPI journal Machines, Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, IET The Journal of Engineering, as well of the Springer journal Electrical Engineering and the International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management.

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Abdelkader Mahmoudi was born in Eloued, Algeria, in 1992. He received the BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sidi Belabbes, Algeria, in 2015, and the University of Oum Elbouaghi, in 2017. In 2022, he received his PhD degree at the University of Biskra, Algeria. He is currently Assistant Professor with the Department of Electromechanical at Eloued University, Algeria. His research interests are related to synchronous reluctance machines, machine fault modeling, machine fault detection, model predictive control for power converters and motor drives systems advanced control.

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Guettaf Abderrazak was born in Biskra, Algeria on November 28th, 1977. He received the Engineer and Magister diploma and PhD degree in electrical engineering from University of Biskra in 2002, 2005 and 2013 respectively. His research interests are focused on design and fault analysis of switched reluctance and permanent synchronous machines. Currently, Mr. Guettaf is an assistant professor with the University of Biskra.

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Acácio Amaral was born in Luso, Angola, in 1974. He received the Electrical Engineering diploma, the MSc degree and the Dr. Eng. degree all from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1998, 2005 and 2011 respectively. Since 1998, he has been with the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, where he is currently an Assistant Reader in the Department of Informatics and Systems. His research activities include fault diagnosis and design of switch-mode power supplies, with emphasis on the consequences of aging of electrolytic capacitors, as well as the development of solutions to this problem.

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Adérito Alcaso holds a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico - Technical University of Lisbon, a MSc in Automatic Systems and a PhD in Electrical Engineering both from University of Coimbra. His main research interests are related to electronic power systems for renewable energies and electrical drives. Currently he is a Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda.

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Agostinho da Silva has been the co-founder and managing director of CEI-Zipor Engineering Group ( since 1995. As core-business, the CEI-Zipor group of companies develop and manufactures advanced industrial technologies for mineral resources, aeronautics, footwear, and automotive, among other sectors, and exports to Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Belgium, Canada, USA, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Portugal, Netherlands, Qatar among others. He has a PhD in Management (Industry 4.0 Improving) from Evora University; Advanced Studies (PhD) in Operations Management and Logistics from ISCTE (Supply Chains 4.0); Advanced Studies (PhD) in Industrial Management from FEUP (Industry 4.0); MSc degree in Naval Engineering from Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique; MSc degree in Strategy and International Investment from Instituto Superior de Gestão. He is attending a Master's Degree in Cyber-Security and Forensic Computing at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria; Degree in Naval Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. He is coordinator and researcher in 27 National and European R&D Projects, involving 29 research centres over a hundred national and foreign companies and over four hundred researchers.

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Alexandre Borges de Miranda received the Mechanical Engineering Diploma from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), in 1985. He worked in the steel industry for three years, as a project engineer (Usiminas Mecânica). In 1990, he received the MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in the same institution. In 1991 and 1995, respectively, he received the Diplôme d’Études Approfondies and the PhD Degree in Thermique et Energetique from the Institut des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (France). He worked as an invited professor at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and, since 1998, he has been with the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) where he is an Assistant Professor. His research activities are in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency.

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Alexandre Daniel Batista Martins holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, both from ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal. In 2023 he received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from University of Beira Interior. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. His topics of interest are industrial maintenance and metrology.

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Ali Arif was born in Biskra, Algeria on June 19th, 1967. He received the Engineer, MSc diploma and PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Biskra, Algeria, in 1992, 2003 and 2013, respectively. His research interests are related to Renewable Energies; Photovoltaic, Supercapacitor, Fuel Cell and Power management of electric vehicle. Currently, Dr. Arif is an assistant professor with the University of Biskra, Algeria.

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Ana Vieira received the Electrical Engineering diploma, the MSc degree and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, in the domain of Asset and Maintenance Management, from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 1996, 2004 and 2014, respectively. She was a Teaching Assistant at the Tomar School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal. Since 2021, she is an Adjunct Professor at Coimbra Institute of Engineering at the Polytechnic of Coimbra. Her research interests include indoor air quality, energy and maintenance management, maintenance audits, and maintenance strategies in asset management.

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Anastasios E. Arvanitopoulos has received the BSc and MSc Diplomas in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece in 2011. He received the PhD degree from Coventry University, UK in 2020. Currently, he is Senior Staff Specialist Product Development Wide BandGap Power Devices at Infineon Technologies, Austria. His research interests are focused on Wide Bandgap (WBG) power semiconductor devices for high performance electronics in Electric Vehicles (EVs).

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Arminda Pata received the BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management from University of Aveiro. She is a Coordinating Professor with ISDOM - Instituto Superior Dom Dinis, Marinha Grande, since March 2019, where she lectures in her scientific areas of interest: operation research and coopetition.

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Ângela Ferreira received the Electrical and Computer Engineering Diploma, the MSc and PhD degrees from Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal, in 1996, 2001 and 2012, respectively. Her research interests are focused on design and modelling of novel permanent magnet machines and optimization of energy conversion systems using renewable energy sources. She has been with Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, at the Department of Electrical Engineering, since 1997. Her teaching activities are in the scientific areas of Electrical and Fundamental Sciences, Electrical Machines and Power Systems.

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Balduíno Patrício César Mateus holds a degree in electromechanical Engineering and MSc in industrial management from ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal. In 2023 he received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from University of Beira Interior. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. His main research interests are related to Production Optimization Through IoT Supported Condition Maintenance Policies.

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Carlos Carreto holds a degree in Informatics Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, Portugal and a MPhil/PhD degree in Modern Heuristic Methods, from Coventry University, United Kingdom. Currently, he is a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, Portugal. His research interests include Robotics and Intelligent Systems.

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Figueiredo Ramos received the Mechanical Engineering diploma and the master degree in Industrial Engineering, both from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, from the University of Beira Interior (Portugal). He is a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal). His research interests include renewable energies and energy systems.

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Daniel Augusto Estácio Marques Mendes Gaspar received the Mechanical Engineering diploma from Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, the MSc degree in Industrial Maintenance from the University of Porto, Portugal, and the PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same Faculty. Currently, he is Professor at the School of Management Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal. His research interests cover the areas of Maintenance, Predictive Analysis, Queue Optimization, Asset Management and Risk Analysis.

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Davide Fonseca was born in Castelo Branco, Portugal on December 23, 1972. He received the E. E. Diploma in 1996, from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal and the PhD on E. E. in 2008, from the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. He has been with the University of Beira Interior since 1997, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering and the Coordinator of the Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Industrial Maintenance Laboratory. His research interests are focused on reluctance machine's design and fault analysis. He has published more than 40 papers in technical journals and conference proceedings.

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Edmundo Pais received both the BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering from ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, in 2010 and 2019, respectively. In July 2024 he received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from University of Beira Interior. His scientific research activities focus on asset management and lifecycle optimization of physical assets.

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Evgenij Koptyaev was born in Russia, in 1979. He received the Engineering degree diploma in electrical power and automation systems, in 2002. He graduated from military course and is Naval Lieutenant specialized in "Maintenance and repair of nuclear power reactors". From 2009 to 2013, he completed a PhD degree in "Electrical complexes and systems". From 2016 to 2020, he worked as the technical leader of nuclear submarines “Yasen” and “Borey-BA” projects. His research interests are related to power electrical engineering, rectifiers, inverters, permanent magnet generators and automation.

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Fabiano F. Costa (M’07) received the BSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1997, the MSc degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2001, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2005. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil. His current research interests include the application of control techniques for grid-connected converters, PLL algorithms and islanding protection.

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Fernando Bento received the BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Electric and Computer Engineering from University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2014, 2016 and 2022, respectively. Currently, he is a Researcher at CISE – Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre, and also Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Beira Interior. His scientific research activities focus on energy efficiency analysis, fault diagnostic and fault tolerance in electronic power converters, namely DC-DC converters.

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Flávio Rodrigues F. Chaves received the Eng. Dipl., the MSc degree and the PhD degree from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1998, 2002 and 2017, respectively, all in Mechanical Engineering. In 2001 he joined the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, where he is currently an Adjunct Professor. His main research interests are related to thermal efficiency, thermal comfort, air quality, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

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Graça Tomaz received the diploma degree in Mathematics from the University of Coimbra, the MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Porto, and the PhD in Mathematics from University of Aveiro. Her main research interests are hypercomplex analysis and applications. She is currently a professor at Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (Portugal) , where she teaches courses in the fields of Algebra and Analysis.

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Hamza Mesai Ahmed was born in Eloued, Algeria, in 1994. He received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sidi Bel Abbes in 2015, 2017, and 2022, respectively. Currently he is Assitant Professor at University of El-Oued, Algeria. His main research interests are focused on renewable energies, multiphase machine, power electronics and fault diagnosis.

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Imed Jlassi was born in Tunis, Tunisia, in 1984. He received the MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Laboratoire des Systèmes Electriques, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, in 2011 and 2016 respectively. From 2011 to 2016, he was a Contractual Assistant with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Carthage. In January 2014, he joined CISE - Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre (, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, where he has been a Post-Doctoral Researcher since 2016. His research interests include digital control of power electronics converters and electric machines, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control of AC motor drives and wind turbine systems.

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João Antunes Rodrigues received the Engineer, BSc and MSc degrees in industrial and engineering management from the Polytechnic of Coimbra, Portugal. In 2023 he received the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from University of Beira Interior. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. His research interests are focused on industrial maintenance.

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João Monteiro holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a MSc in Aerodynamics from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Coimbra University and a PhD in Aeronautics from the University of Beira Interior. His main research interests are related to micro generation energy systems. Currently he is a Professor at the Electromechanics Department of the University of Beira Interior.

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José Carlos Almeida was born, in France, in 1973. He received the Civil Engineering diploma degree from Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1998, the MSc and PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Minho, Portugal, 2003 and 2013 respectively. From 2000 to 2003 he was a professor at Piaget Institute – Campus of Viseu, Portugal. Since 2003, he has been a Professor at the Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal. His main research interests are focused on sustainability, life cycle costs, structures, and concrete.

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José Silva holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, both from the University of Coimbra, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Porto. Currently, he is Adjunct Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic of Viseu. He is supervisor of several MSc theses, and the author of communications at national and international congresses and conferences, as well as author of several publications in scientific journals. His research interests include the areas of Industrial Maintenance, Control and Automation, Computer Vision, Mixed Reality, CPS and IIoT.

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José Alberto was born in Coimbra, Portugal. In 2011, he obtained his MSc Degree in Electrical Engineering, Energy branch at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. In 2017, he received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy, during which time he was a visiting scholar at CIRCE - Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption in Zaragoza, Spain. Afterwards, he became a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Systems and Robotics at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal and Invited Assistant at the ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. His research interests include Wireless Power Transfer, Resonator Arrays, Inductive Charging, Fault detection and unbalanced operation of Induction Motors and Linear Motors and Actuators.

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Khaled Laadjal was born in Tebessa, Algeria, in 1991. He received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Biskra, in 2013, 2015 and 2018. He has been a Post-Doctoral Researcher at CISE since 2019. His research interests are related to condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in power electronics systems and AC machines.

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Khaled Yahia was born in Biskra, Algeria in 1980. He received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Biskra, Algeria in 2002, 2005 and 2012, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor at the University of Biskra. His research interests are focused on condition monitoring of AC motors and energy efficiency in AC variable speed drives systems.

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Konstantinos N. Gyftakis was born in Patras, Greece (1984). He received the Diploma in electrical and computer engineering and the PhD degree in electrical machines condition monitoring and fault diagnosis from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. From 2014 to 2015, he was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant with the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK. He was a Lecturer from 2015 to 2018 and Senior Lecturer from 2018 to 2019 with the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, and an Associate with the Research Institute for Future Transport and Cities, Coventry University, UK. Between 2019 and 2022, he was a Lecturer of electrical machines and a Member of the Institute for Energy Systems, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. He has authored or coauthored more than 130 papers in international scientific journals and conferences. His research interests include fault diagnosis, condition monitoring, and degradation of electrical machines.

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Luís Oliveira received the Electrical Engineering Diploma, the MSc degree in Electrical Engineering and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1995, 2001 and 2014, respectively. In 1996 he joined the University of Algarve, Portugal, where he is currently a Coordinating Professor. His research interests include modelling and simulation of power transformers, condition monitoring and diagnostics of power transformers, and protection systems.

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M’hamed Drif was born in Saïda, Algeria, in 1964. He received the E.E. Diploma and the MSc degree from the University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO), Oran, Algeria, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. In 2009, he received the PhD degree in E.E. by the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Since 1993, he is with the Department of Electrotechnics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, USTO. Since 1996, he has been working in the field of fault diagnosis in electrical drives. He has authored several technical conference and journal papers. His teaching interests cover electrical machines. His research interests are focused on modeling and simulation, condition monitoring, and fault diagnostics of electric machines and drives.

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Mahdi Sabouri was born in Zanjan, Iran on 1985. He received the PhD degree in 2018, from Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran and he is a Researcher at CISE since 2015. ​His research interests are focused on the condition monitoring of the 3-phase induction motor and fault analysis. He has published more than 30 papers in technical journals and conference proceedings.

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Messaoud Mohammedi was born in Biskra, Algeria, in 1975. He received the Magister and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the universities of Batna and Biskra in 2004 and 2016, respectively. Mr. Mohammedi was an assistant professor at the electrical engineering department of the University of Eloued, Algeria from 2004 to 2009 and since 2010, he is with the University of Biskra. He is a member of the LMSE Laboratory. His main research interests are related to the renewable energy applications and energy management in hybrid electric systems.

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Mohamed Sahraoui was born in Biskra, Algeria on May 26th, 1978. He received the Engineer and Magister diploma and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Biskra, in 2001, 2004 and 2010 respectively. Mr. Sahraoui is an assistant professor with the University of Biskra since 2005 and he is a member in the LGEB Laboratory. His research interests are related to condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in power electronics systems and AC machines.

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Mohamed Yacine Hammoudi was born in Biskra, Algeria on October 5th, 1980. He received the Engineer and Magister diploma and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Biskra, in 2003, 2006 and 2015, respectively. Mr. Hammoudi is an assistant professor with the University of Biskra since 2009 and he is a member of the MSE Laboratory. His research interests are related to advanced control in power electronics systems and AC machines.

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Mohamed-Yacine Ayad obtained the MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from ENSEM-INPL, France in 1999 and 2004. From 2004 to 2007, he was working as research assistant at the University of Technology at Belfort and Montbéliard (UTBM), France. Since 2007, he has been working as R&D in Hybrid Vehicle Industrial Applications. Currently, he is International Responsible of Development at Groupe PSA, France. His main research is in the field of power electronics, modelling, nonlinear control and energy management in embedded, smart and micro grids systems applications using battery, supercapacitor, fuel cell, WDG and PV sources.

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Natália Gameiro received the Electrical Engineering Diploma, the MSc degree in Electrical Engineering and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, from the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, in 1997, 2004 and 2014, respectively. Since 1997, she has been with the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal, where she is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Her teaching interests cover electrical machines, control systems, and basic electric network analysis, and her research interests include electrical machines and drives, control of variable electric drives, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control. Currently, she is mainly focused on the analysis and development of fault-tolerant solutions, based on inverter and/or control reconfigurations applied to switched reluctance motor drives.

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Paulo Alexandre de Andrade Vieira received the MSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2004 and the PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Salamanca, Spain, in 2015. Since October 2000, he has been a Professor at the Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal.

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Payam Shams Ghahfarokhi was born in Iran in 1986. He received the BSc degree in electrical power engineering from IAUN, Iran, in 2010, the MSc degree in electrical power engineering from Newcastle University, UK, in 2011, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering and machines from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, 2019. He carried out his postdoc at Riga Technical university, Latvia and CISE-Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre in Portugal. He was a senior researcher with the Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics of Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and the Department of Electrical Machines and Devices of Riga Technical University, Latvia. Since 2023, he is an Academic Research Fellow at Tampere University, Finland. His main interest is the electromagnetic design and thermal management of electric motors for traction applications.

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Ramzi Saadi was born in Biskra, Algeria on June 20th, 1987. He received the BSc and Master diploma and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Biskra, in 2008, 2010 and 2015 respectively. Mr. Saadi is an Associate professor with the University of Biskra since 2015 and he is a member in the MSE Laboratory. His research interests are related to Renewable Energies; Fuel Cell, Energy Management, Electric vehicle and DC/DC Converter.

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Rui Pitarma received the Mechanical Engineering diploma degree from University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 1988, and the MSc and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico - Technical University of Lisbon respectively in1992 and 1998. His main research interests are related to building air conditioning, energy and air quality. Currently he is a Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda.

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Sejir Khojet El Khil was born in Tunis, Tunisia, in 1977. In 2001, he received the electric engineering diploma from the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) and the PhD degree from the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia and the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Toulouse, France in 2006. Since 2008, he has been an assistant professor at the Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques en Communication de Tunis (Iset’Com). His main research areas include fault detection and fault tolerant control of electrical drives and telecom power supply.

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PhD Students
Abdeldjalil Alloui was born in 1981. He received the MSc degree in Automation from the University of Biskra, Algeria, in 2007. He also has a certificate of Senior Technician in Liquefied Natural Gaz (LNG) from the Algerian Petroleum Institute. Mr. Alloui is a Directional Driller Field Engineer in Sperry Drilling Halliburton. Currently, he is a PhD student at the University of Biskra and his research interests are related to condition monitoring and developing method for reliable diagnosis of faults in electrical machines.

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Muhammad Adnan Fazal was born in Wah Cantt, Pakistan in 1994. He received the BSc in Electrical Engineering from University of Wah, Pakistan, in 2017, and the MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2022. From 2021 to 2023, he served as Associate Survey and Installation Engineer at Renergy Solutions Pvt Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan. Currently, he is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. His research interests are focused on renewable energy technologies, trigeneration systems, and energy efficiency.

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Adriano Ramalho Lopes completed his MSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with a specialization in energy, at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2008. Later, in 2018, he earned a MSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal. Currently, he is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. His main research interests include asset management, railway equipment, integrating maintenance models, reliability, and sustainability.

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Ana Rafaela Bento was born in Castelo Branco, Portugal, in 1998. She received both the BSc and MSc degrees in Electromechanical Engineering from the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2019 and 2021, respectively. Currently, she is working towards the PhD degree in Electric and Computer Engineering at the same university. Her scientific research interests include DC Microgrids, DC systems’ protection and DC fault analysis.

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Ana Rita Casanova Malta holds a Degree in Engineering in the field of Information Systems, and a MSc in Computer Engineering, in the area of specialization Intelligent Data Analysis, both from ISEC - Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal. Additionally, she completed the Initial Pedagogical Training for Trainers course from Joviform Consultoria Empresarial Lda and has been providing training in Software Engineering and Emerging Data Technologies. She has been involved in the projects IPC-ESAC, F4F PILOT 7 and Digital Forestry. She is currently a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior.

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André Guimarães holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, with a doctoral scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology. He also completed additional training with a postgraduate degree in Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. André has over a decade of professional experience as a Production Manager in the manufacturing industry and is currently a Guest Lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. He is the author of several scientific publications in the fields of Polymeric Materials, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, Lean Management, and Asset Management. He has also participated in various research projects.

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Charles Ochia was born in Nigeria in 1973. He received the BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Technical Education from the Rivers State University of Technology, Nigeria, in 2001, and the MSc degree in Project Management from the Teeside University, United Kingdom, in 2011. He is currently a PhD Student in Industrial Engineering an Management at the University of Beira Interior. His research interests include project management, coopetition networks and service ecosystems.

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Hugo Antunes received both the BSc and MSc degrees in Electric and Computer Engineering from University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Currently, he is a PhD student in Electric and Computer Engineering at the same institution, and his interest research are focused on condition monitoring, computational modelling, and fault analysis and diagnosis in multi-phase induction machines.

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Inês Sousa was born in Santa Maria da Feira. She has a degree in Biomedical Engineering and MSc degree in Engineering and Management of Physical Assets, both from ISEC - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Portugal. She is currently a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior. Her topics of interest are hospital maintenance, metrology and hospital asset management.

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João Serra was born in Portugal, Covilhã, in 1997. He received both the BSc and MSc degrees in electromechanical engineering from the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2019 and 2021, respectively. Currently, he is working towards the PhD degree in Electric and Computer Engineering at the University of Beira Interior. His research interests include electric multiphase machine and drive control.

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João Dinis received both BSc and MSc degrees in Electric and Computer Engineering from University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2018 and 2020 respectively. Currently, he is a PhD student in Electric and Computer Engineering at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. His main areas of research focus on Power Electronics, Wireless Power Transfer, Wide Bandgap devices and LED lighting.

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José Marques was born in Guarda, in 1966. He received the BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and the MSc degree in Logistics, both from the Polytechnic of Guarda, Guarda, Portugal. With an experience of over 30 years in industrial environment, he has been holding management positions at Coficab Group, working in the development of industrial processes and facilities integrating Lean Management methodologies. He is currently a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. His main research interests are focused on Lean methodologies, energy and industrial project management.

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Kundakama Mpanda received the BSc degree from the National Pedagogical University, Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 2006. He received the MSc degree in Electrical Engineering - Power Systems from the Porto School of Engineering, Portugal, in 2017. Currently, he is a PhD student in Electric and Computer Engineering at University Beira Interior. He is also Assistant Professor at the Uíge Polytechnic School / Kimpa Vita University, Angola. His main research interests are focused on renewable energies, electronics and power systems.

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Mário Borges holds a degree in Industrial Management and Technology from the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, the International Black Belt Lean Six Sigma Certificate from The Lena Six Sigma Academy Portugal and the IRCA Quality Auditor Certificate. With an experience of 28 years in industrial management, he has been holding management positions in several multinational organizations and SMEs. He is a consulting member of ATTCEI – Association of Technology and Knowledge Transfer for Companies and Institutions. As the founder and CEO of the company MB - Mário Borges (, he has been developing several of projects of Lean Management and Quality Management in SMEs, in the interior of the country. Currently, he is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal.

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Mouhamed Houili was born in Biskra, Algeria, in 1997. He received the BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering, both from the University of Biskra in 2018 and 2020. Currently, he is a PhD Student at the University of Biskra. His research interests are focused on control and condition monitoring in AC machines.

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Nuno Cerejo da Silva received the BSc and MSc degree in Electromechanical Engineering from University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2005 and 2023 respectively. He holds a postgraduate degree in Hydrogen from the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal. He is certified, by ADENE (Portuguese Energy Agency), as Qualified Expert for both residential and non-residential buildings. With a profissional experience of over 15 years in construction and more recently working in the renewable energy sector, he has been performing several technical and management roles. Currently, he is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at University of Beira Interior and his research interests are related to energy efficiency and renewable energies.

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Pedro Andrade received both the BSc and MSc in Electromechanical Engineering from the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, in 2019 and 2021, respectively. Currently, he is a PhD Student in Electric and Computer Engineering at the University of Beira Interior. His main research interests include Fuel Cells and DC-DC converters.

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Pedro Barandier received the BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University Center of Volta Redonda, Brazil, in 2017, and the MSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Beira Interior, Portugal, in 2021. Currently, he is a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior. His scientific interests rely on the efficiency analysis, fault diagnosis and fault tolerance of energy and HVAC systems.

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Pedro Rompante was born in Porto, Portugal, in 1977. He received the Mechanical Engineering diploma from the University of Porto, Portugal, in 2005. He is a Maintenance Specialist (Portuguese Engineers Association), with an experience of more than 15 years in several key areas, such as: Hospital equipment, Waste Management, Fleet Management, Industrial Operations, Construction, and Metrology. He is currently a PhD student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. His main interests include Asset Management, Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance.

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Tiago José Saraiva Santos has a BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering and a MSc degree in Engineering and Management of Physical Assets, both from ISEC - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Portugal. Currently he is a PhD Student in Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Beira Interior. His topics of interest are industrial maintenance, metrology and asset management.

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