Konstantinos N. Gyftakis

Konstantinos N. Gyftakis was born in Patras, Greece (1984). He received the Diploma in electrical and computer engineering and the PhD degree in electrical machines condition monitoring and fault diagnosis from the University of Patras, Patras, Greece, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. From 2014 to 2015, he was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant with the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK. He was a Lecturer from 2015 to 2018 and Senior Lecturer from 2018 to 2019 with the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, and an Associate with the Research Institute for Future Transport and Cities, Coventry University, UK. Between 2019 and 2022, he was a Lecturer of electrical machines and a Member of the Institute for Energy Systems, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. He has authored or coauthored more than 130 papers in international scientific journals and conferences. His research interests include fault diagnosis, condition monitoring, and degradation of electrical machines.
Ph.D, Electromagnetic Analysis of Faults and Development, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 2015.
DIploma on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Power and Energy, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 2010.
Estima, J. O.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Voltage-Source Inverter-Fed Drives"; Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, A. J. M. Cardoso (Editor), , 7-76 pp., IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology (978-1-78561-531-3), London, UK, 2018.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Safacas, A. N.: "FEM Study of the Rotor Slot Design Influences on the Induction Machine Characteristics"; Advanced Computer Techniques in Applied Electromagnetics, Wiak, S., Krawczyk, A. and Dolezel, I. (Editor), 30, 247-252 pp., IOS Press (978-1-58603-895-3), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008.
Tian, P.; Guerrero, J. M.; Platero, C. A.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.: "Condition Monitoring of Rotating Diodes in Synchronous Machines Through the Exciter Stray Flux Analysis"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 3175-3185, May / June, 2023.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Garcia-Calva, T. A.; Skarmoutsos, G. A.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Mueller, M. A.; Romero-Troncoso, R. J.: "Demagnetization Monitoring and Identification in PM Generators With Concentrated Windings During Transient Conditions"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 1510-1518, March / April, 2023.
Rasid, S. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mueller, M. A.: "Comparative Investigation of Three Diagnostic Methods Applied to Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Machines Suffering from Demagnetization"; Energies, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1-18, March, 2023.
Skarmoutsos, G. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mueller, M. A.: "Analytical Prediction of the MCSA Signatures Under Dynamic Eccentricity in PM Machines with Concentrated Non-Overlapping Windings"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 1011-1019, June, 2022.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Li, F.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "3C-SiC-on-Si MOSFETs: Overcoming Material Technology Limitations"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 565-575, January / February, 2022.
Gyftakis, K. N.: "A Comparative Investigation of Interturn Faults in Induction Motors Suggesting a Novel Transient Diagnostic Method Based on the Goerges Phenomenon"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 304-313, January / February, 2022.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Rasid, S. A.; Skarmoutsos, G. A.; Mueller, M. A.: "The Demagnetization Harmonics Generation Mechanism in Permanent Magnet Machines with Concentrated Windings"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 2934-2944, December, 2021.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Li, F.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mawby, P.; Antoniou, M.; Lophitis, N.: "Experimental and Physics-Based Study of the Schoottky Barrier Height Inhomogeneity and Associated Traps Affecting 3C-SiC-on-SI Schottky Barrier Diodes"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 5252-5263, September / October, 2021.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Spyropoulos, D. V.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "Advanced Detection of Rotor Electrical Faults in Induction Motors at Start-Up"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 1101-1109, June, 2021.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Spyrakis, D.: "Detection of Simultaneous Mechanical Faults in 6-kV Pumping Induction Motors using Combined MCSA and Stray Flux Methods"; IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 643-652, May, 2021.
Zhang, H.; Wen, Z.; Grilli, F.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mueller, M. A.: "Alternating Current Loss of Superconductors Applied to Superconducting Electrical Machines"; Energies, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 1-39, April, 2021.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Reliable Detection of Stator Interturn Faults of Very Low Severity Level in Induction Motors"; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 3475-3484, April, 2021.
Kavanagh, D. F.; Gyftakis, K. N.; McCulloch, M.: "Thermal Degradation Phenomena of Polymer Film on Magnet Wire for Electromagnetic Coils"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 458-467, January / February, 2021.
Lee, S. B.; Stone, G. C.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Strangas, E.; Maussion, P.; Platero, C. A.: "Condition Monitoring of Industrial Electric Machines: State of the Art and Future Challenges"; IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 158-167, December, 2020.
Park, Y.; Choi, H.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Search Coil-Based Detection of Nonadjacent Rotor Bar Damage in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 4748-4757, September / October, 2020.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Lee, S. B.: "Generation of Mechanical Frequency Related Harmonics in the Stray Flux Spectra of Induction Motors Suffering from Rotor Electrical Faults"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 4796-4803, September / October, 2020.
Platero, C. A.; Sánchez-Fernández, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Blázquez, F.; Granizo, R.: "Performance Problems of Non-Toroidal Shaped Current Transformers"; Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 11, pp. 1-13, June, 2020.
Platero, C. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Fernandez, A.: "Scheme for Synchronous Machine Stator Turn-to-Turn Protection"; IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 716-722, April, 2020.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mawby, P.; Lophitis, N.: "A Defects’-Based Model on the Barrier Height Behavior in 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes"; IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 54-65, March, 2020.
Tian, P.; Platero, C. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Guerrero, J. M.: "Stray Flux Sensor Core Impact on the Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines"; Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1-14, February, 2020.
Santiago, F.; Bento, F. J. F.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Thermal Analysis of a Directly Grid-Fed Induction Machine with Floating Neutral Point, Operating under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions"; Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 47, No. 11-12, pp. 1060-1076, November / December, 2019.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mawby, P.; Lophitis, N.: "A Defects’-based model on the Barrier Height behaviour in 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes"; IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. In Press, No. In Press, pp. In Press, October / November, 2019.
Park, Y.; Yang, C.; Kim, J.; Kim, H.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Kia, S. H.; Capolino, G.-A.: "Stray Flux Monitoring for Reliable Detection of Rotor Faults under the Influence of Rotor Axial Air Ducts"; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No. 10, pp. 7561-7570, October, 2019.
Garcia, M.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Efficiency Assessment of Induction Motors Operating Under Different Faulty Conditions"; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, No. 10, pp. 8072-8081, October, 2019.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "A New Approach for Broken Rotor Bar Detection in Induction Motors Using Frequency Extraction in Stray Flux Signals"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 3501-3511, July / August, 2019.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Perkins, S.; Jennings, M.; Belanche Guadas, M.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "On the suitability of 3C- Silicon Carbide as an alternative to 4H- Silicon Carbide for power diodes"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 4080-4090, July / August, 2019.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Platero, C. A.; Zhang, Y.; Bernal, S.: "Diagnosis of Static Eccentricity in 3-Phase Synchronous Machines using a Pseudo Zero-Sequence Current"; Energies, Vol. 12, No. 13, pp. 1-16, July, 2019.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "On the Broken Rotor Bar Diagnosis Using Time-Frequency Analysis: “Is One Spectral Representation Enough for the Characterization of Monitored Signals?”"; IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 932-942, July, 2019.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "FEM Approach for Diagnosis of Induction Machines’ Non-Adjacent Broken Rotor Bars by Short-Time Fourier Transform Spectrogram"; The Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2019, No. 17, pp. 4566-4570, June, 2019.
Jeong, M.; Yun, J.; Park, Y.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Quality Assurance Testing for Screening Defective Aluminum Die-Cast Rotors of Squirrel Cage Induction Machines"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 2246-2254, May / June, 2018.
Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Romero-Troncoso, R. J.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Reliable Detection of Rotor Bars Breakage in Induction Motors via MUSIC and ZSC"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 1224-1234, March / April, 2018.
Fawzal, A. S.; Cirstea, R. M.; Woolmer, T. J.; Dickison, M.; Blundell, M.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Air Inlet/Outlet Arrangement for Rotor Cooling Application of Axial Flux PM Machines"; Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 130, No. , pp. 1520-1529, February, 2018.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Lophitis, N.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Perkins, S.; Antoniou, M.: "Validated Physical Models and Parameters of Bulk 3C–SiC Aiming for Credible Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) Simulation"; Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 1-13, October, 2017.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.: "Introducing the Filtered Park’s and Filtered Extended Park’s Vector Approach to Detect Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors Independently from the Rotor Slots Number"; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 93, No. , pp. 30-50, September, 2017.
Fawzal, A. S.; Cirstea, R. M.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Woolmer, T. J.; Dickison, M.; Blundell, M.: "Fan Performance Analysis for Rotor Cooling of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 3295-3304, July / August, 2017.
Halem, N.; Zouzou, S. E.; Srairi, K.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "FEM Analysis for Comparative Investigation of The Stator Circuit Connection Impact on The Induction Motor Broken Bar Fault Higher Order Signatures"; International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 739-752, December, 2016.
Sumislawska, M.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Kavanagh, D. F.; McCulloch, M.; Burnham, K. J.; Howey, D. A.: "The Impact of Thermal Degradation on Properties of Electrical Machine Winding Insulation Material"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 2951-2960, July / August, 2016.
Garcia-Perez, A.; Amezquita-Sanchez, J. P.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Vibration Analysis as a Diagnosis Tool for Health Monitoring of Industrial Machines"; Shock and Vibration, Vol. 2016, No. , pp. 2, June, 2016.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Garcia-Hernandez, R.; McCulloch, M.; Howey, D. A.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Comparative Experimental Investigation of Broken Bar Fault Detectability in Induction Motors"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 1452-1459, March / April, 2016.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Sumislawska, M.; Kavanagh, D. F.; Howey, D. A.; McCulloch, M.: "Dielectric Characteristics of Electric Vehicle Traction Motor Winding Insulation under Thermal Ageing"; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 1398-1404, March / April, 2016.
Kim, J.; Shin, S.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Drif, M.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Power Spectrum-Based Detection of Induction Motor Rotor Faults for Immunity to False Alarms"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 1123-1132, September, 2015.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Katsantonis, I.; Kappatou, J.: "Optimization of the Electromagnetic Characteristics of a 3-phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor using FEM"; Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 65-72, March, 2014.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The Zero-Sequence Current as a Generalized Diagnostic Mean in Δ-Connected Induction Motors"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 138-148, March, 2014.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Kappatou, J.: "Application of Wedges for the Reduction of the Space and Time-Dependent Harmonic Content in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors"; Journal of Computational Engineering, Vol. 2013, No. 2013, pp. 1-9, November, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "A Novel and Effective Method of Static Eccentricity Diagnosis in 3-Phase, PSH-Induction Motors"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 405-412, June, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Spyropoulos, D. V.; Kappatou, J.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "A Novel Approach for Broken Bar Fault Diagnosis in Induction Motors through Torque Monitoring"; IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 267-277, June, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The Impact of the Rotor Slot Number on the Behaviour of the Induction Motor"; Advances in Power Electronics, Vol. 2013, No. 2013, pp. 1-9, January, 2013.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Safacas, A. N.: "Investigation of the stator semi-magnetic wedges influences on the behaviour of a Cage Asynchronous Motor through time stepping Finite Element Analysis"; International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 285-291, February, 2011.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.; Safacas, A. N.: "Study of Asynchronous Motors with asymmetrical rotor slots under FEM steady-state analysis"; International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 2601-2609, December, 2010.
Bonet-Jara, J.; Pons-Llinares, J.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "A Novel Approach for Early Detection of Inter-turn Faults in Induction Motors during Start-up"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Chania, Greece, pp. 56-62, August, 2023.
Kolidakis, Z.; Falekas, G.; Karlis, A.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Investigation of Empirical Start-Up Strategy for Industrial Generator Through Vibration Monitoring"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Chania, Greece, pp. 423-429, August, 2023.
Karampasoglou, D.; Bonet-Jara, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Static, Dynamic and Mixed Eccentricity Fault Detection Using MCSA and Stray Flux Monitoring via Finite Element Analysis"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Chania, Greece, pp. 272-278, August, 2023.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Mayo-Maldonado, J. C.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Escobar, G.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "A Novel Method for Rotor Fault Diagnostics in Induction Motors using Harmonic Isolation"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Chania, Greece, pp. 265-271, August, 2023.
Mühlthaler, J.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Lehner, B.; Reeh, A.; Herzog, H.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Search Coil Based Detection of the Inter-Turn Short Circuits in Aircraft Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine by Signal Frequency Extraction"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Chania, Greece, pp. 76-82, August, 2023.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Rasid, S. A.; Mueller, M. A.: "False Negative Diagnosis of Demagnetization in Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Generators"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 696-702, September, 2022.
Skarmoutsos, G. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Mueller, M. A.: "A New Approach to PM Machine Fault Diagnostics Using Two Magnetically-Coupled Search-Coils"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1616-1621, September, 2022.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Platero, C. A.; Nøland, J. K.: "Multi-Parametric Monitoring of Medium-Power Generators with Brushless Exciters under Mechanical Faults"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1524-1529, September, 2022.
Goh, S. Y.; Fawzal, A. S.; Rasid, S. A.; Mueller, M. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Losses Analysis of Direct Drive PM Generators Suffering from Demagnetization"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1737-1743, September, 2022.
Garcia-Calva, T. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Skarmoutsos, G. A.; Mueller, M. A.; Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Romero-Troncoso, R. J.: "Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Demagnetization Detection in PM Generators at Variable Speed"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1548-1554, September, 2022.
Gyftakis, K. N.: "Detection of Early Inter-Turn Stator Faults in Induction Motors via Symmetrical Components - Current vs Stray Flux Analysis"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Detroit, USA, pp. 796-801, October, 2020.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Spyropoulos, D. V.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Panagiotou, P. A.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "Induction Motors Torque Analysis via Frequency Extraction for Reliable Broken Rotor Bar Detection"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1468-1474, August, 2020.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Reliable Detection of Very Low Severity Level Stator Inter-Turn Faults in Induction Motors"; Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1290-1295, October, 2019.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Palomeno, E.; Lee, S. B.: "Introduction of the Zero-Sequence Stray Flux as a Reliable Diagnostic Method of Rotor Electrical Faults in Induction Motors"; Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 6016-6021, October, 2019.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Palomeno, E.; Spyropoulos, D. V.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "Detection of Rotor Electrical Faults in Induction Motors during the Start-up via Torque Monitoring"; Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 3673-3678, October, 2019.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Li, F.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Antoniou, M.; Mawby, P.; Lophitis, N.: "Experimental Investigation and Verification of Traps Affecting the Performance of 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Baltimore, USA, pp. 1941-1947, September / October, 2019.
Park, Y.; Choi, H.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Flux-based Detection of Non-adjacent Rotor Bar Damage in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 7019-7026, September / October, 2019.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Spyrakis, D.: "Recent Experiences with MCSA and Flux Condition Monitoring of Mechanical Faults in 6kV Induction Motors for Water Pumping Applications"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 214-219, August, 2019.
Kavanagh, D. F.; Gyftakis, K. N.; McCulloch, M.: "Early-onset Degradation of Thin-film Magnet Wire Insulation for Electromechanical Energy Converters"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 37-43, August, 2019.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Lee, S. B.: "The Role of the Mechanical Speed Frequency on the Induction Motor Fault Detection via the Stray Flux"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 201-207, August, 2019.
Perkins, S.; Antoniou, M.; Tiwari, A. K.; Arvanitopoulos, A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Trajkovic, T.; Udrea, F.; Lophitis, N.: "Optimal Edge Termination for High Oxide Reliability Aiming 10kV SiC n-IGBTs"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 358-363, August, 2019.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Frequency Extraction of Current Signal Spectral Components: A New Tool for the Detection of Rotor Electrical Faults in Induction Motors"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 290-296, August, 2019.
Tian, P.; Platero, C. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "On-line Turn-to-Turn Protection Method of the Synchronous Machines Field Winding"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 69-74, August, 2019.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Li, F.; Jennings, M.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "Viable 3C-SiC-on-Si MOSFET design disrupting current Material Technology Limitations"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Toulouse, France, pp. 364-370, August, 2019.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Analysis of Stray Flux Spectral Components in Induction Machines under Rotor Bar Breakages at Various Locations"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Alexandroupoli, Greece, pp. 2345-2351, September, 2018.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Platero, C. A.; Bernal, S.: "Off-Line Detection of Static Eccentricity in Salient-Pole Synchronous Machines"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Alexandroupoli, Greece, pp. 1919-1924, September, 2018.
Goh, S. Y.; Fawzal, A. S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Impact of the Fan Design and Rotational Direction on the Thermal Characteristics of Induction Motors"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Alexandroupoli, Greece, pp. 1227-1233, September, 2018.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Arvanitakis, I. ; Lophitis, N.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "FEM Study of Induction Machines Suffering from Rotor Electrical Faults Using Stray Flux Signature Analysis"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Alexandroupoli, Greece, pp. 1861-1867, September, 2018.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Antoniou, M.; Jennings, M.; Li, F.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "On the Development of the 3C-SiC Power Law and its Applicability for the Evaluation of Termination Structures"; International Symposium on Power Semiconductors, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. , August, 2018.
Perkins, S.; Arvanitopoulos, A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "On the Static Performance of Commercial GaN-on-Si Devices at Elevated Temperatures"; IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, Xi’an, China, pp. 174-178, May, 2018.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Jennings, M.; Antoniou, M.; Lophitis, N.: "Carrier Transport Mechanisms Contributing to the Sub-Threshold Current in 3C-SiC-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes"; IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, Xi’an, China, pp. 169-173, May, 2018.
Gyftakis, K. N.: "Introduction of a Novel Vector Approach to Detect Rotor Electrical Faults in Induction Motors"; IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, Liverpool, UK, pp. , April, 2018.
Perkins, S.; Arvanitopoulos, A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "A Comprehensive Comparison of the Static Performance of Commercial GaN-on-Si Devices"; IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 177-184, December, 2017.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.: "A Comprehensive Comparison of the Static Performance of Commercial GaN-on-Si Devices"; IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications, Albuquerque, USA, pp. 177-184, October / November, 2017.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Lophitis, N.; Howey, D. A.; McCulloch, M.: "Breakdown Resistance Analysis of Traction Motor Winding Insulation under Thermal Ageing"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, USA, pp. 5819-5825, October, 2017.
Jeong, M.; Yun, J.; Park, Y.; Lee, S. B.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Off-Line Flux Injection Test Probe for Screening Defective Rotors in Squirrel Cage Induction Machines"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Tinos, Greece, pp. 233-239, August / September, 2017.
Panagiotou, P. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Lophitis, N.; McCulloch, M.; Howey, D. A.: "Investigation of Traction Motor Windings' Insulation Capacitance at Switching Frequencies under Accelerated Thermal Stress"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Tinos, Greece, pp. 537-543, August / September, 2017.
Redondo, M.; Platero, C. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Turn-to-Turn Fault Protection Technique for Synchronous Machines without Additional Voltage Transformers"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Tinos, Greece, pp. 117-121, August / September, 2017.
Lophitis, N.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Belanche Guadas, M.; Antoniou, M.: "Physical Parameterisation of 3C-Silicon Carbide (SiC) with Scope to Evaluate the Suitability of the Material for Power Diodes as an Alternative to 4H-SiC"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Tinos, Greece, pp. 565-571, August / September, 2017.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Lophitis, N.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Belanche Guadas, M.; Perkins, S.; Antoniou, M.: "Physical Parameterisation of 3C-Silicon Carbide (SiC) with Scope to Evaluate the Suitability of the Material for Power Diodes as an Alternative to 4H-SiC"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Tinos, Greece, pp. 565-571, August / September, 2017.
Arvanitopoulos, A.; Perkins, S.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Antoniou, M.; Lophitis, N.: "3C-SiC Material Parameters for Accurate TCAD Modelling and Simulation"; International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, Coventry, UK, pp. 115-116, May, 2017.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "A New Vector Approach to Detect Stator Faults in Induction Motors"; IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis, Nottingham, UK, pp. 232-237, April, 2017.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The Influence of the Induction Motor Rotor Geometry on the Higher Harmonic index of the Zero-Sequence Current"; International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Chiba, Japan, pp. 1-5, November, 2016.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Kappatou, J.: "A New Technique for the Skewing Consideration in the 2-D FEM Un-Skewed Induction Motor Time-Dependant Electromagnetic Characteristics"; International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Chiba, Japan, pp. 1-6, November, 2016.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "A Reliable Indicator to Detect Non-Adjacent Broken Rotor Bars Severity in Induction Motors"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 2910-2916, September, 2016.
Gyftakis, K. N.: "The Novel SLIM Method for the Determination of the Iron Core Saturation Level in Induction Motors"; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Milwaukee, USA, pp. 1-8, September, 2016.
Morinigo-Sotelo, D.; Romero-Troncoso, R. J.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.: "Reliable Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors via MUSIC and ZSC Methods"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 2881-2886, September, 2016.
Fawzal, A. S.; Cirstea, R. M.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Woolmer, T. J.; Dickison, M.; Blundell, M.: "The Fan Design Impact on the Rotor Cooling of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 2725-2731, September, 2016.
Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Garcia-Hernandez, R.; Razik, H.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Comparative Influence of Adjacent and Non-adjacent Broken Rotor Bars on the Induction Motor Diagnosis through MCSA and ZSC Methods"; Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 01, November, 2015.
Sumislawska, M.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Kavanagh, D. F.; McCulloch, M.; Burnham, K. J.; Howey, D. A.: "The Impact of Thermal Degradation on Electrical Machine Winding Insulation"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Guarda, Portugal, pp. 232-238, September, 2015.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Drif, M.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Thorough Investigation of the Third Current Harmonic in Delta-Connected Induction Motors Suffering from a Stator Inter-Turn Fault"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Guarda, Portugal, pp. 7-13, September, 2015.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.; Garcia-Hernandez, R.; McCulloch, M.; Howey, D. A.; Cardoso, A. J. M.: "Comparative Experimental Investigation of Broken Bar Fault Detectability in Induction Motors"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Guarda, Portugal, pp. 461-467, September, 2015.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Sumislawska, M.; Kavanagh, D. F.; Howey, D. A.; McCulloch, M.: "Dielectric Characteristics of Electric Vehicle Traction Motor Winding Insulation under Thermal Ageing"; International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Rome, Italy, pp. 313-318, June, 2015.
Belahcen, A.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Martinez, J.; Climente-Alarcon, V.; Vaimann, T.: "Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines and its Relation to Industrial Internet"; IEEE Workshop on Electrical Machines Design, Control and Diagnosis, Torino, Italy, pp. 233-241, March, 2015.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Spyropoulos, D. V.; Kappatou, J.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "Taking Advantage of the Induction Motor Inherent Eccentricity Aiming to Discriminate the Broken Bar Fault from Load Oscillations"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1933-1939, September, 2014.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Lee, S. B.; Kappatou, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J. A.: "Identification of the Broken Bar Fault in Induction Motors with Rotor Air Ducts Through the Torque Spectrum"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1614-1620, September, 2014.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "Evaluation of the Broken Bar Fault Detectability Depending on the Rotor Bar Number"; IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, pp. 2798-2803, November, 2013.
Pallis, I. K.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "FEM Study of the Bar Number Impact on the Stator Core Losses of the Cage Induction Motor"; IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, pp. 2863-2868, November, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Athanasopoulos, D. K.; Kappatou, J.: "Broken Bar Fault Diagnosis in Single and Double Cage Induction Motors Fed by Asymmetrical Voltage Supply"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Valencia, Spain, pp. 402-406, August, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Athanasopoulos, D. K.; Kappatou, J.: "Evaluation of Different Broken Bar Fault Diagnostic Means in Double-Cage Induction Motors with FEM"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Valencia, Spain, pp. 36-42, August, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The Zero-Sequence Current Spectrum as an On-Line Static Eccentricity Diagnostic Mean in Δ-Connected PSH-Induction Motors"; IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Valencia, Spain, pp. 302-308, August, 2013.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Athanasopoulos, D. K.; Kappatou, J.: "Study of Double Cage Induction Motors with Different Rotor Bar Materials"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Marseille, France, pp. 1450-1456, September, 2012.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Panagiotou, P. A.; Kappatou, J.: "The Influence of Semi-magnetic Wedges on the Electromagnetic Variables and the Harmonic Content in Induction Motors"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Marseille, France, pp. 1469-1474, September, 2012.
Spyropoulos, D. V.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.; Mitronikas, E. D.: "The Influence of the Broken Bar Fault on the Magnetic Field and Electromagnetic Torque in 3-phase Induction Motors"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Marseille, France, pp. 1868-1874, September, 2012.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The Impact of the Rotor Slot Number on the Behaviour of the Induction Motor"; International MARINELIVE Conference on “All Electric Ship”, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-6, June, 2012.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Pallis, I. K.: "Modern Evolutions on Electrical Machines Design and Analysis"; MARINELIVE Workshops on Propulsion Systems, Electric Machines and Power Converters, Athens, Greece, pp. , January, 2012.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.: "The rotor bar material’s influences on the induction motor behaviour"; International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Funchal Madeira, Portugal, pp. 1-8, September, 2011.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Katsantonis, I.; Kappatou, J.: "Optimization of the Electromagnetic Characteristics of a 3-phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor using FEM"; GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-10, June / July, 2011.
Gyftakis, K. N.; Kappatou, J.; Safacas, A. N.: "FEM study of asynchronous cage motors combining NEMA's classes A and D slot geometry"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Rome, Italy, pp. 1-6, September, 2010.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Safacas, A. N.: "A study of the effects of the stator slots wedges on the behaviour of an induction machine"; International Conference on Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 1-6, September, 2008.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Safacas, A. N.: "Influences of the stator slot wedges material on the performance of a Cage Asynchronous Motor"; IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-4, May, 2008.
Kappatou, J.; Gyftakis, K. N.; Safacas, A. N.: "FEM Study of the rotor slot design influences on the Induction Machine characteristics"; International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 1-6, September, 2007.
Khan, M. A., "Diagnosis and Discrimination of Stator Inter-Turn Faults in a 4kW Cage Induction Motor with FEM", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2017.
Khan, I., "Dielectric Characterisation of Electrical Machines", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2017.
Taleb, N. A., "Analysis of a Large Industrial Induction Motor Under Rotor Electrical Faults", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2017.
Rakha, A., "Reliable Diagnosis of Stator Faults in Large Industrial Motors", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2017.
Ali, O. A. M., "Flux Based Monitoring of Induction Motors", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2016.
Koay, B., "Degradation of Motor Winding Insulation", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2016.
Mohamed, A. S. A., "Electromagnetic Analysis of Induction Motor with FEM", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2016.
Algeregni, A., "Analysis of Induction Motors with Air-Ducts", Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2016.
Arvanitopoulos, A., "Monolithic Power Integrated Circuits for Compact High Performance Electronics in Electric Vehicles", Co-Supervisor: Gyftakis, K. N., Coventry University, UK, 2020.
Coventry University Excellence Award (2016)
Coventry Excellence Awards 2016, Technology in Learning Initiative, awarded to Dr Andrew Tickle, Ms Cristina Fratila, Dr Kostas Gyftakis and Dr David Jones for the Flipped Classroom Videos and Digital Badging for Increased Student Engagement Initiative.
Coventry Excellence Awards 2016, Technology in Learning Initiative, awarded to Dr Andrew Tickle, Ms Cristina Fratila, Dr Kostas Gyftakis and Dr David Jones for the Flipped Classroom Videos and Digital Badging for Increased Student Engagement Initiative.
2nd best paper award (2010)
Award for second best paper entitled: "Study of the Skewing Influence on the Electromagnetic Characteristics of the Induction Machine using FEM", presented in the 4th Student Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 4ο ΣΦΗΜΜΥ, 4th ECESCON, Patras, Greece, 19-20 Nov. 2010.
Award for second best paper entitled: "Study of the Skewing Influence on the Electromagnetic Characteristics of the Induction Machine using FEM", presented in the 4th Student Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 4ο ΣΦΗΜΜΥ, 4th ECESCON, Patras, Greece, 19-20 Nov. 2010.
Thalis 2002 (2002)
Award for the Contest: "Thalis 2002", by the Greek Mathematical Society
Award for the Contest: "Thalis 2002", by the Greek Mathematical Society